Timeline of the Transforming Learning for a Third Century Initiative
TLTC Engaged Learning Practices Series; Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary Education
TLTC Engaged Learning Outcomes Lunch; Social/Civic Responsibility & Ethical Reasoning.
TLTC Engaged Learning Outcomes Lunch; Collaboration & Teamwork
Investigating Engaged Student Learning grants awarded.
The first TLTC-NET grants are awarded.
First TLTC Engaged Learning Practices Lunch. This first lunch discussion focused on Engaging External Clients.
The last round of TLTC grants awarded.
TLTC Engaged Learning Outcomes Lunch; Intercultural Engagement.
TLTC Engaged Learning Outcomes Lunch; Self-Agency and the Ability to Innovate and Take Risks
First TLTC Engaged Learning Outcomes Lunch. This first lunch discussion focused on Creativity.
Provost's Seminar on Teaching – "Unscripted: Engaged Learning Experiences for U-M Students."
The first three Transformation funds were awarded.
First TLTC large event, "Thinking Big: Engaged Learning for a Third Century"
The first TLTC call for Quick Wins & Discovery proposals was released in November of 2012 and funded in March 2013.
The TLTC Committee is formed. Meetings begin Spring 2012.
President Coleman announces the TLTC initiative at the annual Fall address