Academic Policies and Campus Resources

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This page provides a directory of resources for academic policies at the University of Michigan.

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The various schools and colleges of the University have different academic policies and procedures, so it is important to be aware of what differences exist. What an instructor also needs to keep in mind is that policies that apply to a given student are determined by that student’s unit, not by the school or college in which the course is offered. This section provides sources to consult for academic policies specific to the College of LSA and other schools.
Information about FERPA
Many faculty and staff at U-M have access to confidential student information. This page provides information on the necessary measures instructors must take to protect the privacy of students’ education records, in line with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
Information about Academic Integrity 
This page lists various resources pertaining to academic integrity, including honor codes, a CRLT occasional paper on how to promote academic integrity in the classroom, and other online resources.
This memo written to the faculty at the University of Michigan from the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) outlines policies on gender discrimination and sexual relationships between faculty and students.
This University of Michigan Standard Practice Guide outlines policies on instructor-student relationships.
This page provides links to the academic calendar, a list of upcoming religious holidays, and an overview of the University of Michigan’s policies for managing absences due to religious holidays. 
This page outlines legal issues related to the classroom, including safety and appropriate treatment of students, protection of student information, and copyright.
This webpage provides a list of campus resources for University of Michigan instructors. 
LSA Handbook for Faculty and Instructional Staff
The Office of Student Academic Affairs (734-764-7297), located at 1255 Angell Hall, distributes a Handbook for Faculty and Instructional Staff, which outlines instructional policies and procedures within the College. The information contained in the Handbook comes from the Faculty Code, the governing document created by the LSA faculty. The Handbook covers policies regarding examinations, grading, incompletes, etc. and explains the various forms used by instructors. The Handbook concludes with a list of offices to which an instructor might need to refer.
LSA Reference Manual for Department/Program Advising Staff
This is a comprehensive source of information on academic policies and procedures affecting students. The booklet is prepared for use by academic counselors, so copies are not circulated in general. Copies of the Reference Manual are available at the Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center (734-764-0332).
University of Michigan Bulletin
The University of Michigan Bulletin is published separately for the various schools and colleges. Each Bulletin contains a section on Academic Policies and Procedures. The LSA Bulletin includes much of the same information found in the Handbook for Instructional Staff but is written for the benefit of students enrolled in the College rather than for the instructional staff.
Newnan LSA Academic Advising Center
This information center for the College of LSA is available for quick answers to questions regarding academic policies and procedures. Individuals can call 764-0332 to reach a resource person at this center.

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