Interactive Web-Based Module Creation to Improve the Social Work Evaluation Course
Academic Year:
2014 - 2015 (June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015)
Funding Requested:
Project Dates:
Overview of the Project:
The project lead by three LEO Lecturers called Interactive Web-based Module Creation to Improve the Social Work Evaluation Course will create six interactive educational web-based modules that increase in difficulty so that even with no prior knowledge of evaluation, students will have the scaffolding supports to practice the skills needed until they can demonstrate mastery of the competency area. Project will benefit 668 graduate students and cost $8115. An additional $3547 will be leverage as matched funds by the School of Social Work. The cost per student would be $12.15. The module topics correspond with the course objectives and Council on Social Work Education Commission on Accreditation are: choosing evaluation design, developing a hypothesis/evaluation question, determining degree of rigor, data collection methods/sampling, instrumentation and type of variables, and selecting the appropriate statistical test. This is an improvement since it adds a progressive level of difficulty for students, as well as, a different learning style method. Using web-based software with personal feedback from classroom professors responds to new generation learning medium, through the internet, handheld devices and mobile tablets. Our Evaluation in Social Work course will intentionally include discussions of privilege/oppression and real world relevant case studies based on the interest of the students.